Microsoft Azure offers a cloud-based platform service called Azure DataBricks, an Apache-based analytics platform. It provides an interactive workspace that enables collaboration between data scientists, data engineers, and business analysts.
Apache Spark Based Analytics Platform
Spark in Azure DataBricks includes the following components:
Spark SQL and Data Frame
Spark Core API
Apache Spark in Azure Databricks
DataBrick builds on Spark provides a zero-management cloud platform that includes:
Fully managed Spark cluster
An interactive workspace to explore and visualize.
A platform for running Spark-based applications.
Enterprise Security
Azure DataBricks provides enterprise-grade Azure Security.
Integration with Azure Active Directory allows you to run complete Azure-based solutions using Azure DataBricks
Enterprise-class SLA.
Azure DataBricks role-based access allows fine-grained user permissions to notebooks, clusters, jobs, and data.
Integration with Azure Services
It offers seamless integration with Azure DataBase and Stores, SQL Data Warehouse, Cosmos DB, Data Lake Storage and Blob Storage.
Integration with Power BI
You can also use BI tools such as Tableau Software via JDBC/ODBC cluster endpoints.